You’ve all done it – jotted down a quick note on a scrap of paper or sticky note fully intending to transfer it later to a more permanent location. Yet days or weeks go by and that little yellow sticky remains stuck to your desk or monitor, the ink imperceptibly fading with time.

Attention and memory

Writing something down is a way of offloading information from your mind so you don’t have to actively hold it in your working memory. The act of recording a note creates a perceptual-motor memory trace that allows us to feel you’ve “saved” the thought. It frees up your attention to focus on other tasks. As long as the physical note exists in the environment, your brains know where to find the information if needed and don’t have to waste energy memorizing it. However, you tend to underestimate how quickly notes become “lost” if not filed or recorded more systematically. Out of sight is out of mind, and once a sticky note gets buried under papers or blends into the clutter of one’s desk, it might as well not exist at all. Your brains delete the note from memory and attention almost as if it was never written down.

Intentional forgetting

Beyond simple attention lapses, some lack of follow-through on organizing notes results from motivated or intentional forgetting. Writing something down serves as a psychological release valve, allowing us to vent or express an idea without fully committing to it. The impermanence of sticky notes, scraps of paper, or digital notes-to-self fosters a sense of plausible deniability. If it’s not in my journal or official files, I’m not accountable to remember or act on it. This process aligns with the Zeigarnik effect in psychology – the tendency to experience intrusive thoughts about an activity until it is completed. Capturing a thought externally releases the mental tension of remembering it, but if the note lingers too long in an unfinished state, the Zeigarnik effect kicks back in. Deleting or disposing of impermanent notes is an attempt to mentally close the loop.

Present bias 

what is privnote used for? Leaving notes in a temporary state also speaks to the human tendency for present bias – overvaluing short-term benefits and delaying costs or work required in the future. The present self desires the psychological relief of offloading the thought, but the future self will have to expend more energy reconstructing context from the cryptic note. This form of delay discounting leads to procrastination in organizing notes until the cost of inaction exceeds the effort of filing or digitizing.

Low threshold for activation

On the upside, the low threshold for activation makes it easy to capture thoughts on scraps of paper or digital notes. If it required formal categorization and filing from the start, you’d likely record fewer ideas. So impermanent notes have value as an immediacy bucket or landing zone. The issue arises when the follow-through doesn’t occur before the thoughts are forgotten.

Environmental cue dependency

Impermanent notes also depend largely on environmental cues for later recall. The note on your monitor only triggers the thought while you’re sitting there. A note on the fridge only reminds you of the kitchen. Their Salience fades as soon as the context changes. Sticky notes tend to accumulate clustered context rather than hierarchical organization. Placing notes in a permanent system with categorical and semantic filing reduces dependency on environmental cues. The note is associated with other related thoughts, not just the temporary context where it was written.


Author Joeph Criss

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