The number of cloud technology providers grows all the time, so there is definitely no shortage of options. A large percentage of such businesses choose or at least consider Azure-based migration as the most appropriate option for them. The fact that it is a Microsoft platform is one of the main reasons so many companies are interested in this service.

What benefits do you get with Azure?

If you are one of many who thinks about data migration to Azure, here are the main benefits that you should be aware of to help you make this decision:

  • Innovative technology

Azure is one of the best options for many reasons, including its performance, services for both large and small companies, great scalability, and more. What is great about Azure is that you can be confident that this technology won’t be neglected and will continue to be cutting-edge.

  • Significant reduction in costs

Reduction in infrastructure costs is particularly noticeable for large companies. As for smaller companies, they can also receive access to services related to migration and analytics at much better prices than previously.

  • Integration with other solutions

Azure supports integration with different Microsoft tools and also a range of outside apps. App developers have an opportunity to use Azure Logic Apps to come up with advanced workflows. There is an entire library of integrations that users can access at any moment.

  • Excellent scalability

If you are looking for a high level of scalability, Azure is definitely a suitable provider. The platform provides opportunities for scaling up and scaling down whenever necessary and without any hassle.

  • Compliance and security features

Security is another strong point of Azure. This Microsoft platform not only provides an impressive range of security features, but you can also find a number of solutions designed for specific industries. For example, governmental establishments. The platform meets all the compliance and legal requirements, whether it is a local or a global company.

Considering all the mentioned factors, it is obvious that Microsoft Azure is an excellent solution for data migration. To make sure that all its aspects work properly, it is a good idea to hire professionals, such as Dedicatted. With the help of the cloud migration team, you will be able to get access to the entire range of Azure technologies, so you don’t miss out on any important aspects.


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